This app is intended for the non-plug-in version of the 3rd generation Prius (ZVW3#, 2009-2015, NIMH Batteries). It may (partly) work with other Prius versions.The app can be used to show detailed information about the car like general car/engin information, Battery Status information, Battery Block Voltages, Engine operation,.....I tested the app with an ELM327 bluetooth dongle plugged in the ODB2 port (under the steering wheel). These devices can be bought for less than 10 euro/dollar e.g. from China.Rather than dump a lot of parameters, I tried to have the app provide parameter groupings/graphs of parameters that make sense to watch together.If you think certain extensions would be useful please provide motivation why/what parameters would be useful and I will see what I can do. You can send your request to gvli@telfort.